A poem called "Bottles and Cans"
Teaser quote: “A good old man, Sir. He will be talking.”
[originally posted Wednesday 22 November 2017]
A poem called “Maxims 2”
Teaser quote: “The light must change. The waiting person wait longer. The walker must step out of the summer heat wet to the hair roots, the shirt wet.”
[originally posted Sunday 23 July 2017]
A poem called “Drop-Menu Scheduling Calendar with Only One Black-out Date”
Teaser quote: “When he took me out with his people, you could see he was ashamed of me. The next youngest guy there was twenty years older than I….”
[posted Monday 8 May 2017]
A poem called “Siebenundvierzig”
Teaser quote: “This is that mind-reading, I’m-sicking-demons-on-my-enemies style of Buddhism.”
[posted Saturday 1 April 2017]
A poem called “Flying Ants”
Teaser quote: “I’m already in hell: You can tell by what I’m ashamed of.”